Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17

Friday, January 14, 2011

A little help with the wall balls please!

Our WOD this morning was killer! 10 rounds of 10 wall balls and 5 dead lifts. This came after having straight leg dead lift in Tuesday's WOD from which I am still recovering. I am going to be so sore this weekend. I think wall balls are probably my least favorite skill we do during WODs which inevitably means they will be in my birthday WOD I'm sure. They are so hard for me for some reason. First, I think, because of my height. I have to practically jump to get the ball up above the mark on the wall. Second, because I hate the jolt I receive every time I have to catch the darn thing. Hopefully by the time my birthday rolls around they won't be so difficult...

My husband, Malachi, ran across this article today that we both thought was super cool. Chris Spealler is his Crossfit hero and I think he's mine now too.,989/

I love the part where he talks about his faith being about resting in God's grace and not in his own abilities. He strives to separate his performance from his self-worth, knowing that there is nothing he can do to earn God's love and wanting his relationship with Christ to be what defines him. Gosh, how I want that as well. I don't want to find my sense of self-worth in my role as a wife, mother, woman, or even crossfitter, but as a child of God. It's almost refreshing to know that I don't have to try to "perform" at my best all the time because I will always, always fail. That's why having a relationship with Jesus is so amazing because it is not about what I've done or can do to try to earn perfection but only by His grace and His dying on the cross that I have new life. Thank you Jesus that you accept us just the way we are and through a relationship with you we can be changed and made new.

A little help with the wall balls would be accepted too:)

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